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Implementation of Artificial intelligence to protect sophisticated cyber-attack

Implementation of Artificial intelligence to protect sophisticated cyber-attack

In case of an upcoming cyber-attack, there is a chance of huge cash outflow and there is no alarm mechanism which will caution. The only way to find and eliminate the new set of undetectable tools is computer behavioral analysis. AI can adapt itself based on what it sees to both better identify and more quickly eliminate a threat. The scanning can be far more comprehensive, the response faster and the result itself far more secure.

To read, follow: http://www.cio.com/article/2886748/security0/artificial-intelligence-may-save-us-from-new-breed-of-cyber-threats.html


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Ways to Prevent a Cyber-Attack

There is a call for new school of cyber defense,since the perimeter security cloud cannot prevent cyber-attacks anymore. The first step is to mitigate the damage. The best way is to run a fully updated , layered  ,in depth set of security tools and educating the end users about how to falling for attack lures. Second step is to prepare for the aftermath of the attack. The approach here should be data centric. Prepare a written plan as to who to contact and what to do in case of security breach. Read more at: http://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/twitter-chat-how-to-prepare-for-a-cyberattack/a/d-id/1321216



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