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relevance of AI in governance, risk and compliance

All organizations face pressure to improve performance. This is difficult as there exists risks which reshapes the businesses. As the risks become more intertwined, managing them becomes difficult and leads to chaos. GRC helps the businesses to achieve task of managing everything under one umbrella. GRC helps simplify the complex and huge data. Most businesses are implementing AI systems to speed up the investment decisions. Systems will be able to automatically collect data from various data streams and channels. Also analyze it against the company’s existing datasets and operations, making suggestions regarding the changes. As technology evolves, algorithms improves and probability of errors reduce. Cyber risk is a new threat. As companies face greater pressure a more advanced GRC technology is to be adopted. Read more at: http://www.itproportal.com/features/the-road-ahead-the-coming-rise-of-artificial-intelligence-in-governance-risk-and-compliance/


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Ways to Prevent a Cyber-Attack

There is a call for new school of cyber defense,since the perimeter security cloud cannot prevent cyber-attacks anymore. The first step is to mitigate the damage. The best way is to run a fully updated , layered  ,in depth set of security tools and educating the end users about how to falling for attack lures. Second step is to prepare for the aftermath of the attack. The approach here should be data centric. Prepare a written plan as to who to contact and what to do in case of security breach. Read more at: http://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/twitter-chat-how-to-prepare-for-a-cyberattack/a/d-id/1321216



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