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Cloud and HR

Earlier, whenever an employee was hired, a lot of paperwork generated which required hours of works by managers. They had to file them, record them and place them securely. And whenever a need arises to have a look at that document, one will find herself in the midst of piles of document, searching for it. But now processes have changed. But now, whenever an employee is hired an email is sent to the person providing her a link where she can upload her documents which is equivalent to the paperwork done before. This saves time, space and is prone to fewer errors. This system is recoverable in case a document is lost. Cloud has made HR's life significantly easier. Read the complete article here: http://www.computerworld.com/article/3049420/cloud-computing/how-the-cloud-is-transforming-hr.html

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Security In Cloud Technology

The cloud market continues to grow in 2016. Companies are now more willing to adopt the cloud technology. But security being one of the biggest concern, it is often difficult to choose which cloud style to choose- Public cloud or on premise cloud. Public clouds have a very nice structure and security mechanism which helps the user use the platform economically and securely. On premise setup will require a large investment. But then there are some data which can't be moved to the public cloud. For regulatory, compliance or customer demand reasons, a company can't expose data to public clouds. So the company must invest in the security of their applications and let the public cloud giants secure the infrastructure. Read the full article here http://www.computerworld.com/article/3016281/cloud-computing/public-cloud-vs-on-premises-which-is-more-secure.html

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Different cloud-based business services

Nowadays, small businesses compete against larger companies by utilizing cloud-based business systems. Cloud-based business services are becoming more advanced.  Professionals must understand the cloud technology. There are different cloud servers to assist a business, but some are more vital than others. They are: Cloud Storage and Email; Cloud BI Solutions; Cloud Security; and Cloud Based Accounting. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/cloud-computing/the-advantages-of-using-cloud-business-services-01323254



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Ways to Prevent a Cyber-Attack

There is a call for new school of cyber defense,since the perimeter security cloud cannot prevent cyber-attacks anymore. The first step is to mitigate the damage. The best way is to run a fully updated , layered  ,in depth set of security tools and educating the end users about how to falling for attack lures. Second step is to prepare for the aftermath of the attack. The approach here should be data centric. Prepare a written plan as to who to contact and what to do in case of security breach. Read more at: http://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/twitter-chat-how-to-prepare-for-a-cyberattack/a/d-id/1321216



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Save yourself from committing cloud security mistakes

Security remains a chief inhibitor to enterprise adoption of cloud computing resources. The most significant risk in using the cloud is that sensitive data can be leaked. The macro trend is that more data is going to more end-user devices, which makes controlling the data more difficult and creating more vulnerabilities. With a data classification scheme, organizations can prioritize which data needs to be heavily secured.  David Canellos, President and CEO of Perspecsys, points out 7 cloud security mistake that can be avoided. What more you get 7 safety tips too. To know more follow the link http://cloudtweaks.com/2015/07/7-cloud-security-mistakes-bound-to-bite-you/

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