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Analytics with AI

With many companies still stuck to take advantage of data, analytics has to be number one question because this is a key stage to implement AI successfully. There is a sequence of evolution in analytics, starting from descriptive to prescriptive. 

Nowadays, organizations tend to skip traditional analytics and shift into AI. Many enterprises use the descriptive analytics, applying BI techniques: combine all your data to get a quick review on what’s going on in the company. 

Without the insight that analytics brings, it will be hard to assess the outcome of any artificial intelligence system. Analytics keeps AI transparent, responsible and may help increase the productivity of AI systems. Unproductive information control leads to the unnecessary operational costs. AI analytics helps to find out cost savings and prepares a report with the help of main ROI metrics to keep up productive decision making.

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The World of Artificial Intelligence

The world of artificial intelligence is so much exciting. So basically Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. In the year 1956, John McCarthy coined the term “Artificial Intelligence” and defines it as "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines." Precisely AI is a machine with the ability to solve problems that is usually done by us humans with our natural intelligence. AI is a broad branch of computer science. The goal of AI is to create systems that can perform intelligently and independently. Read more at: https://www.sciencedaily.com/terms/artificial_intelligence.htm


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AI Making Wonders

AI and machine learning is making progress and covering every sector possible, and this aspect has lead it to make advancements in the field of medical science as well. AI is now being used to detect which fertilized egg will lead to healthy babies in the process of in-vitro- fertilization. IVF in its initial days was highly dependent on the experience of the doctors and the embryologists for the detection and choosing of the correct eggs, but with time, this scenario has changed. Usage of AI in this field has lead to the elimination of the potential, human errors, accuracy in detection and speedy results. Scientists believe that instead of human looking at thousands of images, a piece of software looking at them could lead to an eventual learning and hence better predictions. TO READ MORE GO TO: 



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The Rising Importance of Artificial Intelligence

The world is entering the age of abundance, abundance of data. And with this, the age of intelligence is on its way. According to Eric Scht, the author of the original article, in today’s world, science and critical thinking really matter a lot. People are becoming wary of changes looking at the rate at which technological advancement is taking place. With the massive increase in data in almost every field, the need for artificial intelligence and machine learning is being felt in a broad range of sectors including farming, energy, fashion and healthcare. Read more at: https://www.theguardian.com/small-business-network/2017/jun/22/alphabets-eric-schmidt-google-artificial-intelligence-viva-technology-mckinsey


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Social networks and bots

Social Media is the most important tool used for Business. Big Brands take help of social bots to improve their customer process. The Researchers from University of Southern California and Indiana University found that between 9%-15% active Twitter accounts are social bots and the accounts are controlled by software which is algorithmically generating content and establishing interactions. Read more at:https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/290645

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Some chatbot platform tools

One can make an AI powered Chatbot in a very short period of time. You just need to figure out what problem you are going to solve with your bot, choose which platform your bot will live on (Facebook, Slack, etc.), set up a server to run your bot from, and choose which service you will use to build your bot.

Here are some of resources to get you started.

Platform Documentation:

1.Facebook Messenger Platform, 2.Telegram, 3.Discord , 4.Slack , 5.Kik etc.

Some third party Services can be used to build Chatbots. They are:

1.Chatfuel, 2.Botsify:Botsify, 3.ChattyPeople, 4.FlowXO, 5.Boikit ,6.Beep Boop , 7.MEOKAY, 8.Wit.ai ,9.Api.ai ,10.Octane.ai etc. To know more about these, read: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/289788

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Effective uses of Chatbots in marketing and business development

A recent report by EMarketer states that 1.4billion people interacted with chatbot in 2015.So, chatbots have huge opportunities for future marketing and some effective uses of chatbots are: 1. Sell a product or service, 2. Make payments easier, 3. Gain customer insight, 4. Personalize marketing, 5. Increase Engagement, 6. Qualify your Leads. Read more at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/sujanpatel/2017/01/21/6-effective-uses-for-chatbots-in-marketing/#7afe2f0f3f48

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Artificial Intelligence: A Marketing tool

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a revolution in the field of technology. Big companies are leading the AI revolution and that's given them an edge over most consumer goods companies and retailers. AI marketing tools are both easier and less expensive to acquire, with software-as-a-service. AI tool was successfully used by Albert to increase the sale of Harley Davidson.AI evaluated what was working across digital channels to create more opportunities and allocated resources judiciously eliminating guesswork, gathering and analyzing enormous volumes of data, and optimally leveraging the resulting insights.AI can process millions of interactions a minute, manage thousands of keywords, and run tests in silica on thousands of messages and creative variations to predict optimal outcomes.. By acting instantaneously and autonomously it can modify its buying strategy based on performance parameters. The best way to discover AI's potential is to run some small, quick, reversible experiments, within a single geographic territory, or channel. Read more at https://hbr.org/2017/05/how-harley-davidson-used-predictive-analytics-to-increase-new-york-sales-leads-by-2930


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From daily life to cyber security artificial intelligence is on the driving seat

Passwords are important, even though we give weak passwords in many cases. But, there are risks if we try to eliminate passwords by using biometrics or one-time passwords. According to author Tom Olzak (independent security researcher and an IT professional), it is better to use available tools to manage passwords and find a middle ground between passwords and other factors of authentication. In general, we rely on users to establish their own passwords and force them to create strong passwords. It is found that biometrics like finger, voice, and facial recognition tend to have their own challenges.

Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/adventuresinsecurity/practical-authentication-management-73187


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Artificial Intelligence: GPU in new trend

The rise in trend with mobile computing software like smartphones, the demand for PC was being declined for several years. PCs have become boring and market was get stagnated.  Then, GPUs (Graphic Processing Units) has become more interesting as they are the key enablers for the performance of PCs as it improves the graphic performance of games and coming up with various new design in the context of video and images. The industry was working to expand the use of GPUs as a computing accelerator. NVIDIA worked as pioneer in GPU computing market with its CUDA platform. Now, NVIDIA has introduced Tesla P100 platform. This is the first GPU designed for hyperscale datacenter application. It features over 15 billion transistors, combines 16Gb of die stacked 2nd generation High-Bandwidth memory (HBM2). It also has NVIDIA’s NVlink Interface technology to connect to multiple Tesla P100 GPU modules. This is the example how AI (Artificial Intelligence) is evolving and playing crucial roles. To know more, read this: http://www.forbes.com/sites/tiriasresearch/2016/04/05/nvidia-reinvents-the-gpu-for-artificial-intelligence-ai/#44fc297315b7



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Things which you must know about Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence or AI is the latest term for the tech people. So here are few things about AI which you should keep in mind.

·         AI has deep roots in history

·         Alan Turing contributed in A.I a lot

·         Formal AI research started in 1950s

·         NLP aka Natural language is the key to artificial Intelligence

·          Key to Autonomous vehicles is A.I

·         Investors are also interested in AI based companies

·         Tech giants are also betting on AI

·         AI powered robots can do things together

·         Robots can also socialize like humans

·         AI is polarizing


Read the complete article at: http://www.techrepublic.com/article/10-things-you-need-to-know-about-artificial-intelligence/

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Highly anticipated developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence

The future of AI is filled with amazing opportunities. Alan Turing designed the Turing machine about a century ago. It is expected that in the coming times the machines will pass the Turing test. The AI machines are being expected to use all the five human senses. Governments from all over the world are planning to make simulation models which make use of big data as input to predict the criminal or terrorist activities. AI has been improving human lives by uplifting the healthcare and medical facilities. To make the computer - human interaction more natural, scientists are working on the Natural Language Processing Algorithms. Read more about it at: http://nerdsmagazine.com/artificial-intelligence-five-highly-anticipated-developments/


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Predictive about Politics

Nowadays, computers solve crimes, drive cars, cure sickness and accurately predict political races. But the problem is, it's not enough to just store, access and process data. Machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms are divided into two factors: huge quantities of timely and accurate data. There are four typical methods to be used to acquire data. They are -1. Required self-declared data,2. Self-declared or observed data 3. Volunteered self-declared data, 4. Crowdsourced observed data. For more read the article link written by David Elkington: http://techcrunch.com/2016/03/01/getting-predictive-about-politics-and-everything-else/



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Implementation of Artificial intelligence to protect sophisticated cyber-attack

Implementation of Artificial intelligence to protect sophisticated cyber-attack

In case of an upcoming cyber-attack, there is a chance of huge cash outflow and there is no alarm mechanism which will caution. The only way to find and eliminate the new set of undetectable tools is computer behavioral analysis. AI can adapt itself based on what it sees to both better identify and more quickly eliminate a threat. The scanning can be far more comprehensive, the response faster and the result itself far more secure.

To read, follow: http://www.cio.com/article/2886748/security0/artificial-intelligence-may-save-us-from-new-breed-of-cyber-threats.html


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